Saturday, November 13, 2010

Assignment - Basic Model Making

In the semester of Basic Interior Design course, one of our module is Basic Model Making. we have to build a rocking chair to 1:8 scale. We have to draw the initial sketch of our rocking chair design. I changed my designs gradually as to the trainer's advises.
I'm afraid of using the machines for cutting the woods. So, my rocking chair design concept is as simple as possible which using minimum cutting required. I asked my classmates and trainer to help me cut and sand my woods to shape.
Fortunately, my rocking chair is rocks and finished. It is ready for assesment next Tuesday.
This is the backrest and the seat of my rocking chair.
Joining the parts together

The finished rocking chair.

My initial rocking chair design was with cushion, but after the design of the backrest. My trainer suggested to leave it without teh cushion.

Adding more fun to my rocking chair

Felt Desserts

Cindy's Birthday is around the corner, we went shopping at Vivocity on a weekend and I patronised Daiso at Vivocity, which sells veriaty of cheap DIY materials. I bought a few packs of DIY felt dessert magnet. I asked Cindy to choose one of the design and I promised to make for her birthday. She chose a Pudding Design Felt magnet.

I spent a night to sew the pudding and I added some beads & rose onto the pudding for decoration and I've made a box for it too.

After the pudding, I made the cake magnet. It's the easiest DIY dessert of all. I failed to make the cupcake because of the proprtion of the cake and the base. However, I will continue to make my own felt dessert.